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Why Dave Boliek for Auditor?
As a former prosecutor, Dave has the expertise to find and root out government corruption. Dave is the most experienced candidate. He is the only candidate who has run a small business. As Chairman of the UNC Board of Trustees Dave created the university’s first Audit Committee, balanced the budget, and eliminated the university’s operating deficit for the first time in years.
While board chairman, Dave led the fight at UNC to eliminate woke diversity and equity policies and create a new School of Civic Life and Leadership to help bring ideological balance to the notoriously liberal campus.
Dave is a committed Christian who serves as an elder in his church. He’s an Eagle Scout and a former youth sports coach. He and his wife of 30 years, Haden, are the proud parents of 4 children.
David Luther Boliek Jr., was born in Lincolnton, spent most of his adult life in Fayetteville, and has lived in Durham, Eden, Greensboro, Chapel Hill, Thomasville, Hickory, Boone and Raleigh. His father, Dave Sr., was from Hickory and worked as a radio newsman, a radio station manager, a tv news reporter, tv news anchor and later involved in a non-profit that wired rural schools for early internet usage. His mother, Joanne was a news reporter and later a school teacher.
Dave graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill and earned both a law degree and Masters in Business Administration degree (in the same year) from Campbell. He now serves on the UNC Board of Trustees, where he led reforms to the university’s budget process and established an audit and risk management committee.
After law school, Dave worked helping to manage military family housing, logistics and service contracts on military bases across the country. In late 1998, Dave was an Assistant District Attorney in Cumberland County, where he prosecuted a wide range of crimes in both the District and Superior Courts.
In the late fall of 2001, Dave left the District Attorney’s office for private practice. Dave has worked primarily as a litigator working in the courtroom on behalf of clients from all walks of life. His practice is in both State and Federal Courts, and he has tried hundreds of cases before both judges and juries. Dave has also had a successful practice working with DMV regulations, ABC regulations and consulting on health care matters.